4 Tips On How To Get Ripped – Buliding Muscle Fast

As a personal trainer, I get asked this all the time. Everyone wants to learn how to get ripped right away!

Well you can make it happen fast, but don’t expect any overnight results. This type of muscle has to be earned through hard work.

Ripped is about 13% body fat. Doctors will tell you that it is healthy to be between 14% and 20% body fat.

1) In order to get ripped my way, nutrition is important. Eating habit needs to be worked correctly, and a diet plan is crucial. Create yourself a program that incorporates a 2000-2500 calorie a day diet.

2) You have to workout 3 times a week, with cardio days every other day. Go ahead and take weekends off, but you can’t miss any other days. This is all about discipline, your workouts need to be planned, not random and sporadic.

3) You need at least six hours of sleep each night, shoot for eight.

Try to keep your schedule consistent. Don’t workout too much either, it is easy to injure your muscles when working them every day.

4) Supplements. A protein shake is necessary, other than that you should stay away from supplements. Multi-vitamins are healthy, but beyond that I would work out the all natural way.

These are just basic tips that every new builder needs to get started.

What next?

Next you need to set yourself a full workout plan that incorporates all of these tips. You need a complete diet, a complete workout schedule, and plenty of information on technique.

You can find answers to all of these questions for free online, but its all about the quality of the information your receiving.

If you are going to dedicate yourself to getting ripped, I highly suggest researching top fitness e-books that setup everything for you.

These e-books are like hiring a personal trainer to build you a full workout plan, which would cost at least $600 at a gym with many visits required.

Some of these e-books are scams so be worried, what you need to do is go with some of the e-books that have been around for years.

Once they’ve been around for awhile, you no people are buying them.

Check out the squidoo lens link below, the lens reviews three of the top e-books out their. See if any of them are right for you.

These e-books aren’t necessary, but they do make getting ripped a lot faster and easier. They are well worth the small investment.

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