Home financing or house loans have become one of the major businesses of a financing institution. Almost all the finance institutions are offering financial aid to those who want to own a home.
The nature of home financing
Home financing or house loans normally come under the category of secured loans. The person who borrows money from the bank to buy a house should be able to furnish security to the bank against the amount that the bank releases as housing loan. Normally the house that you are going to buy will constitute the security against non payment of the loan amount.
Home finance procedure
Before approving the house loan the bank will verify the nature and value of the property that you are giving as collateral to the bank. You will be directed by the banks to submit all the documents that support the value of the house that you are going to buy using the home loan of the bank. They will also look into the credibility, credit history and the employment of the person who have applied for a home loan.As a general rule, home financing institutions will ask you to make three to six percent of the total loan amount as your contribution. Normally this amount is negotiable.
Interest rates of home financing
Fixed interest rates and adjustable interest rates are the two different packages of interest normally offered by the banks while approving a home loan. As the very name suggests fixed interest rates will give you the stability of the interest rate throughout the loan period. Flexible interest rate may vary with the changing policies of the banks.
Annual percentage rates
Annual percentage rates or APR must be the most important consideration for a person who is looking for a home loan. APR includes the capital, interest, points,(profits earned by the lending institution) mortgage insurance, fees and other hidden costs that come with a loan. Try to understand the details of every head included in the APR before you finalize a home loan from a financial institution.