At times, you could be faced with a situation when you do not have the adequate cash to take care of your current financial requirements. Under such circumstances, you may like considering fast cash loan to tide over your present financial emergency. Nevertheless, before availing any loan, it helps to know its positive and negative features.
Positive Features
Fast cash loans, true to their nomenclature, are really fast to come, as these are generally approved within a couple of hours, and they never take more than 24 hours to reach you. You can find many lenders online, and that makes it easier to make a choice for the mailing of your loan application. Of course, you can access those lenders in person too, but you’ll agree that an online contact is quicker and more convenient. Depending on your monthly earnings, lenders may offer your loan varying from just $100 to $1,500.
Such loans may be unsecured or secured. As you can guess, secured loans carry lower rates of interest and other fees, compared to unsecured loans. However, processing secured loans could take a bit longer due to the collateral offered by the borrower, as the lender would surely get the worth of the collateral assessed before approving the loan.
Unsecured loans, on the other hand, are approved very fast. In their case, the credit rating of the borrower is the deciding factor for the approval of loan. That happens because the lender is taking a higher risk. Good credit rating helps, as the lender would consider you capable of paying your dues within the prescribed time.
You can get two options for paying back your fast cash loan. One options is to pay back your dues to the lender through installments, the other is to ask the lender to withdraw the payments against the loan, plus the interest, straightway from the bank with which you have an account. You will find it helpful to realize that, generally, the date for paying back the loan is purposely scheduled on the day you get your paychecks.
Negative Aspects
The most important drawback of availing fast cash loan, especially the unsecured kind, is the unusually high rate of interest charged by the lenders. Another problem is the fact that, if you are unable to payback your dues as per the agreed schedule, you are forced to pay hefty fines.
Except for the above mentioned features, there are no other drawbacks of availing fast cash loans. Yet, both these drawbacks can be taken care of toa great extent by paying back your loan in time, and offering collateral at the time of taking the loan.