Customers who want their credit report often need to know how to get their free credit report with no credit card needed. Many companies on the Internet may say that their report is free to you, but you eventually must enter in a credit card for service. A free credit report can be obtained, however, you just need to know where to go to find it and what to do.
Most companies want your credit card number in the hopes that you will end up buying something from them. They are trying to make the process an easy one by having you put your credit card number in, so that it’s already there. Some sites, even the one Congress designed specifically for the public to get a free credit report each year, will attempt to sell you a credit monitoring services or various trial periods when you visit for a free report.
A free trial is not a gimmick. Many sites offer you a free credit report as long as you sign up for a free trial. However, you must put your credit card information in first. At the end of the trail period, usually about 2 weeks or so, you will end up being charged if you don’t cancel. These companies hope that you will allow your credit card to be charged, or that you will forget that the information is in, and simply accept the service they offer. Entering your credit card is not bad as long as you remind yourself immediately after you see your report to call that company and decline their trial offer. It is as simple as that.
There is another way you can actually get a free credit report, and this is by using the old fashioned way- through the post office. Yes, it may take longer, but it is totally free, and you have no worries about your credit card being used or charged for something you don’t want. Apply through the mail by going to You will need to download the form from the link given, print it out, fill it in, and mail it. The address is Annual Credit Report Request Service, at P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, Georgia, 30348. You will then receive your free credit report within 2-3 weeks. Be patient, as they usually process your request within the first 15 days of receiving your information.
A free credit report may also be gotten by calling 1-877-322-8228.
You will get your free credit report through the mail, and you can rest assured it is current and correct. is managed by the 3 biggest credit bureau companies. These are Equifax, Experian and Transunion. Your information will also be kept safe and secure, and your address or personal information will not be given out to any other company or website.