Foreign exchange market is a unique market because of its volume of trading. The big amount of market liquidity, variation from traders in foreign exchange, and the wide spread of market makes this one of the most popular market turns to a unique one. In addition, the long run of trading time which continue from 24 hours per days and five days per week and the variant of factors that is influencing this foreign exchange money currency makes the character of it more unique.
According to the bank international for settlement, the movement of its money currency trading market may reach up to USD 3.21 trillion per day in average. That big amount is estimated for spot transaction, forward contract market, swaps market, and estimated for reported margin. On April 2006, international financial services in London, or known as IFSL, reported that the whole movement of daily tradition market for money currency goes up to USD 2.7 billion. This estimation was according to the middle year end data from foreign exchange committee in London, New York, and Singapore.
That is why this type of market became the most popular market. For those who are eligible and get opportunity, this market offered high successes in the future. However, for those who just follow their emotional feeling and without having a trading knowledge, this market will easily shifted your financial future turns down. The success and failure risk in this market is really close and easy to trap you. So always attentive when you will trading.