Simple Steps to Increased Credit Card Limits and Purchasing Power

Learn to empower yourself immediately by increasing your credit card limit, call your creditors and get what you deserve. A bigger line of credit at a better rate and with less fees.

When you call to speak to our customer service the call should go something towards this effect… First off make sure to introduce yourself to the operator as follows;To Operator: Hi, my name is _______ What is your name please? (Operator Answers). Thank you, Well, (Operators Name) I am thinking about making a large purchase in the near future, and I called to find out my credit limit?

(Operator Answers). Hmm…(as if you are not happy) What is the maximum amount of credit you can give me today?

Operator: how much do you want? I would like a limit of __________ (ask for $100,000.000 Operator: do we have permission to run your credit? Yes Operator:

Do you still have the same job? Yes, and I have added additional income from a separate business.

Operator: What is the name of your business? It it ______ (Decide ahead of time a name you will call your business, but don’t include Real Estate in the name.)

Operator: How much money do you make? I expect to make____________ (use your current income plus $200,000 from real estate)

How much of an increase can you give to me today? I would like to make a large purchase today for my business? Okay now that we have adjusted my limit, it occurs to me I should check my interest rate. What is my current rate?

(Operator Answers). Hmm… I would like to use this card for my purchase, but that rate seems high What’s the lowest interest rate you can give me today? In addition, can you give me access to credit card checks at the lowest interest rate you offer? While we’re at it, would you check and see if I have any annual fees?

(Operator answers) Hmm…I don’t think all of my cards have those fees. Could you have them removed?

Here are some script success notes you’ll want to familiarize your self with before you make the call. Own the conversation, be confident and powerful. You always want to be calm cool collected never brash and rude.

Be friendly but detached. You aren’t talking to Johny or Betty these people aren’t your friend they want and need your business.Be friendly and firm. More bees come from honey than from vinegar.

PRETEND – If this is hard and scary to you,be an actor! Don’t take no for an answer. Go up 1 or 2 levels as needed. Assume your success, and you will succeed.

These are the basic tactics to making any persuasive phone call to a debtor, credit issuer or any other type of phone call be it sales or relational conversation.No matter what the outcome is your skills will become razor sharp and you’ll be able to finesse your way through most any situation that requires skill and negotiating skills. Keep up the good work.

For more information you can search for negotiation books and audios at your local library, search engine, or book stores.

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