Deciding what credit card to get is a common question among consumers these days. There are so many cards available, it can be hard to know which one is the best for you. Thankfully all you need to do is a little research to find the best card. Here are a few of the best credit cards we have found to give you a head start in your search for the right card:
When you think about what credit card to get, the first answer that should come to mind is the Citibank Diamond Preferred Card. The APR on this card will depend on your credit history starting out at 11.99% and going up from there depending on your credit rating. This card has no annual fee and offers a concierge service. It is a MasterCard which is convenient and can be used at just about any location.
American Express offers many different cards but the card that made the list is the Blue Cash Everyday. There is no annual fee with this card, no enrollment fees and no minimum spending amount. You will receive 3% cash back on groceries, 2% cash back on fuel and 1% cash back on any other purchases. Another perk is that you will receive a $25 referral fee for any friend of family member that you refer and is approved for a Blue Cash Everyday card.
According to CBS money watch the Chase Freedom Visa with $100 bonus cash back is one of the best credit cards offered by Chase. You have the opportunity to earn $100 bonus cash if within the first three months of having your card you make $500 in purchases. There is no annual fee and the introductory APR is 0% for the first 12 months on balance transfers and 6 months on purchases.
If you are thinking about getting a Capital One credit card then the best option out there is the no hassle cash rewards credit card. This card is available for individuals with a fair credit score and above. In this day and age not that many individuals have excellent credit so that is why this card made the list. There is a $39 annual fee that will be charged but you will receive 2% cash back on grocery and fuel charges.
Before choosing a credit card be sure to research what the company has to offer you. You want to make sure that you are getting the best deal for your financial circumstances. If you need to transfer over high balances you don’t want to be charged for that, so you should look for a card that allows you to transfer balances for free. If you want to earn frequent flier miles or have cash back bonuses make sure that the company that you choose offers those perks.