4 Major Issues on Vendor Risk Assessment

With the emerging complexities of today’s business which is now making outsourcing and relevant regulatory mechanisms as major concerns, enterprises have to manage properly their relationship with all types of vendors. An effective and relevant vendor risk assessment should be an integral component of the management agreement.

The business market place of the present time has to contend with the ever growing demands of the modern society in terms of the kind and quality of products and services. Operations are become more complicated and the business risk becomes varied. The organization should be able to institute a risk management technique which is responsive of the demands of the present time. The business should be able to put in place a reliable system of vendor risk assessment as present conditions will necessitate your need for more business outsourcing providers.

Issue #1 – Analysis of the Risk Involved

Effective vendor management is just all about relevant and comprehensive risk management. This requires the assessment of the importance of the function in the overall business operation. You have to establish the terms by which the vendor will deliver the proposed functionality and the attendant risk. The last concern is the most important and it will ultimately determine whether it is a go or not as far as the business outsourcing is concerned.

Issue #2 – Vendor Choice Due Diligence

The level of importance and impact of the outsourced service will shape the level of due diligence that will be needed when choosing the vendor. This is also influenced by the result of the vendor risk assessment that will be done before a contract with a particular vendor is signed.

Issue #3 – Proper Documentation of Vendor Relationship Concerns

A comprehensive contract is the centerpiece of any relationship with a major vendor. The management must always document all business relationship with vendors, whether they are providing high-risk services or not. The contracts made with all vendors should be in writing and must cover all applicable expectations and commitments of the vendor in terms of the services to be delivered and other related significant issues such as delivery schedules, dispute resolution, etc. All contracts being entered into with vendors must pass the scrutiny of the legal counsel of the business enterprise. The contract should also include the standard of performance that shall govern the relationship with the vendor. Under this provision, the terms on allowance for slippage and errors must be very clear.

Issue #4 – Control and Monitoring of Vendor Performance

The business enterprise should also include the provisions in the contract with vendors for the leverage of the former to monitor and control significant operations handled by the vendor. The management must have adequate supervisory control of the relationship with the vendor. The degree of control that the business enterprise must have would depend on the result on the assessment of the risk if the services to be provided by the vendor. The management should also conduct regular monitoring and review of performance while the business relationship with the vendor is ongoing.

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